Le jardin des bêtes

The Garden of Beasts

Gages Le Jardin des Bêtes  activity with children Visit their website The Jardin des Bêtes is a zoo and amusement park in Gages, near Rodez, 45 minutes from the Maison du Vigneron. This very family-friendly park is home to many species of mammals and...
Acroparc du Mas à Compeyre

Acroparc du Mas in Compeyre

Compeyre Acroparc du Mas  activity with children visit their site 5 minutes by car from the cottage children will not be disappointed. The Acroparc du Mas offers a very nice space for games and relaxation. Composed of 7 courses in the trees, a children's area from 2 to 10 years old,...
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